Dear High School Students


There are times in life when everything can feel chaotic and overwhelming—especially as you navigate your senior year and begin to think about what comes next. It’s a big moment, and it’s natural to feel uncertain about the future. But take a moment to imagine yourself many decades from now, at ninety or even a hundred years old. Between where you stand now and that future self is a whole life waiting for you—filled with opportunities for education, careers, travel, family, and relationships.

This is your life, and you are the one in charge. You have the power to shape your journey and pursue your dreams. Life is like a buffet, offering a variety of experiences, and you get to choose what you want to try. But remember, along the way, you will encounter people and situations that might try to steer you in a different direction, away from what you truly want.

One of the most significant decisions you might face is whether to join the military. Military recruiters are skilled at appealing to your sense of identity, your desire to serve others, and your patriotic spirit. They will present a compelling case, using positive affirmations, stories of teamwork, and a strong sense of purpose. However, it’s important to be aware that the recruiters’ main goal is to enlist you, often using whatever means necessary.

While military service can be honorable and fulfilling for some, it’s crucial to understand that it comes with serious commitments. When you join the military, you give up a great deal of control over your life—your mind, body, and spirit are subject to the demands of the service. The impact of this experience will stay with you long after you leave the military.

Before making such a life-changing decision, take the time to explore all your options. Consider what you truly want out of life, and give yourself the space to pursue it. There’s always time to join the military later if it still feels like the right choice for you. But once you commit, it can be difficult to undo that decision.

Remember, the life of freedom is a life worth living. Trust your instincts, weigh your choices carefully, and know that you have the power to create the future you want.

Someday, I’ll share more about my own journey